Siguiendo con los preparativos para la primera fiesta de Cumpleaños de mi niña, he hecho un servilletero. He reciclado el recipiente dónde venían unos wraps. Primero lo he limpiado y luego, lo he decorado con cinta washi tape, la misma cinta que usé para decorar las pajitas, haciendo la forma de un lazo. Después, he puesto unas servilletas en su interior. Ahora está listo para usar.
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with the preparations for the first Birthday Party of my baby
girl, I have made a napkin holder. I have recycled the container
where were some wraps. Firstly I have cleaned it and after, I have decorated it with washi
tape, (the same one tape that I had used to decorate the straws) doing the form
of a bow. Later, I have put a few napkins inside.
Now it is ready to use.