Mi cuñada L., es una persona muy creativa. Hoy, quisiera mostraros una de sus últimas creaciones que me ha gustado mucho. Es un embalaje especial, para presentar el regalo de Cumpleaños que ella le da su madre. El regalo es una tarjeta-regalo para realizar compras. Mi cuñada ha hecho un bolso reusando papel de regalo, en su interior ha puesto una chaqueta hecha con cartulina con el texto: "Querida Mamá" para guardar la tarjeta de compras. Ha cerrado el bolso con un cierre y lo ha decorado con un cordón de lana. Aquí os muestro el exterior e interior del bolso.
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My sister-in-law L., is a very creative person. Today, I would like to show you one of her latest creations, wich one has liked me. It is a special packaging, to introduce the birthday gift that she gives to her mother. The gift is a shopping card. My sister-in-law has made a bag reusing some of paper gift, in its interior has put a jacket made with cardboard with the text: "Dear Mom" to save the shopping card. She has closed the bag with a metalic zipper and has decorated it with a cord of wool. Here I show you the outside and inside of the bag.