Para mi amiga Cécile, he realizado un broche de fieltro con forma de flor. He usado fieltro blanco, abalorios negros, pegamento de contacto y un cierre especial de broche. Solo tienes que recortar tres trozos de fieltro y los unes cosiendo cuatro abalorios de color negro. Detrás, con pegamento fuerte pegas un broche especial y le pones un libro grueso encima para que se pegue bien. Aquí muestro el making off y el broche.
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my friend Cécile, I have realized a brooch of felt with form of a flower. I
have used white felt, black glass beads, contact glue and a special
closing for brooch. You have only to cut three chunks of felt and
join them sewing four black glass beads. Behind of it, you stick using strong glue a special closing for brooch and put a thick book on it in order that it sticks well. I show here the making off and the brooch.
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