martes, 13 de agosto de 2013

Buena Suerte - Good-Luck

Hoy, es Martes 13, y en España se considera día de la mala suerte, mientras que en otros paises se considera este dia el Viernes 13. Para prevenir que pueda venir la mala suerte, mi amiga Kimberly de Reino Unido, me regaló una postal hecha a punto de cruz, con símbolos para atraer la buena suerte: un gato negro, una herradura, un trébol...¡¡Suerte para todos!!


Today, it is 13th Tuesday,  and in Spain it is considered the day of bad luck, whereas in other countries it is considered this day on Friday, the 13th. To prevent that the bad luck could come, my friend Kimberly of United Kingdom, she gave me a postcard made of cross stitcht with symbols whose can to attract the good luck: a black cat, a horse-shoe, a clover ... luck for all!!

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