Ahora, que ha llegado el frío en el hemisferio Norte, es una buena idea ponerse cómoda sentada o tumbada en un sofá con unos cojines, para leer, ver la tv, charlar, tricotar..., o lo que más apetezca. He visto, que los cojines de la serie Tveblad de Ikea, tienen botones de cáscara de coco. Me parece que crear botones para reusar la cáscara de coco es una idea estupenda. Este material es bastante versátil.
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Now that the cold weather has come to the northern hemisphere, it is a good idea to get comfortable sitting or lying on a sofa with cushions, to read, to watch tv, to chat, to knit..., or what you most want. I have seen that Ikea has the serie Tveblad for cushions which ones have coconut shell buttons. I think that creating buttons to reused the coconut shell is a great idea. This material is quite versatile.
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