jueves, 10 de abril de 2014

Conejito de Pascua - Easter's bunny

He diseñado un conejito de Pascua que sirve de marioneta o para esconder chocolatinas. Primeramente, he dibujado un conejito con papel blanco, lo he recortado y sujetado a un trozo de fieltro con alfileres. He cortado el fieltro y he repetido esta operación dos veces para crear la parte delantera y trasera del conejito. Después he unido las dos piezas cosiendo con hilo naranja como el fieltro todo alrededor excepto en la parte inferior. Por último, he cosido con hilo negro los detalles como los ojos, la nariz, los bigotes y la colita.





I have designed an Easter's bunny which one can be used as puppet or to hide some chocolates. Firstly, I have drawn a bunny in a white paper, I have cut it away and joined it to a chunk of felt with some pins. I have cut the felt and have repeated this operation twice to create the front and back part of bunny. Later, I have joined both pieces sewing with orange thread as the felt everything around except in the lower part. Finally, I have sewed with black thread the details as the eyes, the nose, the moustaches and the tail.

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